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Sales are Australia-wide only. No international sales. The customer will be issued with an invoice after purchase from Ockerisms, indicating: invoice no; invoice date; customer name; customer email; order ID; order date: identification of purchased item; quantity purchased; money received.





If unhappy with purchase, the buyer should make contact with Ockerisms within a week of receipt of item. The product can be returned and the cost of the product will be refunded. Return postage costs are the responsibility of the buyer.




Shipping Australia-wide is via Australia Post with the exception of remote areas, Cost of postage is included in purchase price. Every effort will be made to deliver promptly within 10 business days.




Personal Data shall be treated as confidential information. Ockerisms shall at all times comply with applicable laws relating to data protection in relevant jurisdictions with respect to Personal Data.

Ockerisms will process personal data, only for the purpose of providing the Services in accordance with documented instructions from the customer (provided that such instructions are commensurate with the functionalities of the Services), and as may subsequently be agreed to by the customer. If Ockerisms is required by law to Process the Personal Data for any other purpose, Ockerisms will provide the customer with prior notice of this requirement, unless Ockerisms is prohibited by law from providing such notice.

Ockerisms will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the customer’s Personal Data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, theft, alteration or disclosure. These measures shall be appropriate to the harm which might result from any unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, damage or theft of Personal Data and appropriate to the nature of the Personal Data which is to be protected.

Ockerisms will notify the customer promptly upon becoming aware of and confirming any accidental, unauthorized, or unlawful processing of, disclosure of, or access to the Personal Data; and ensure that its personnel who access the Personal Data are subject to confidentiality obligations that restrict their ability to disclose the Personal Data.



Ockerisms uses authentic Australian phrases, slang terms and place names. It  shows Australian flora and fauna over a representation of Australia and includes images of Aboriginal sacred sites, culture, indigenous territory and Aboriginal language groupings to indicate the complex and diverse indigenous heritage of Australia. The Aboriginal language groupings are respectfully included to show awareness that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have belonged to the land since the beginning of the Dreaming and to acknowledge that they continue with their ownership as the traditional custodians of the land and sea. Only a limited number of indigenous language groupings have been used as there are too many to be able to include on the game. This in no way diminishes the significance or importance of the language groupings that have not been noted on the game.

©2020 by OCKERISMS  ABN 67 218 103 971

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